Friday, March 23, 2018

Award winning book

I just finished Renee Watson's book, Piecing Me Together. It was awarded a Newbery Honor and a Coretta Scott King Award this year.
Piecing Me Together
This is an important read. I was able to walk through the story with a young girl of color living with financial struggles and trying to better her future. Even though I did not live her life, I could absolutely connect with her on a personal level when she was unsure of herself and struggling with friendships. That is what makes a quality read. You learn about someone else's life, but still realize we are all trying to figure out this world in our own way. The main character, Jade, is a talented artist and that was a great story line as well as the perfect ending to the story.
This was an excellent realistic fiction read. I would suggest it to anyone who has not always felt like they fit it, or someone wanting to read a bit about racial issues in today's society.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Worth it

I just finished Cinder by Marissa Meyer - such a fun read! Others have said it is Cinderella meets sci-fi and yes, it definitely is!
Front Cover
Cinder is a cyborg and tries to hide that from the prince of the land as she spends more time with him under the idea that she is a great mechanic who can help fix his droid. His droid is obviously hiding some great information that might help him avoid marrying an evil queen from the moon. Meanwhile people continue to become infected by a deadly disease and Cinder decides she is going to try and run away from the madness.
If you have read the following titles you might like Cinder:
Uglies series
The Selection series
Red Queen
Delirium series